
Showing posts with the label routine

Managing Self Care when Busy

 Ah yes, September...for many of us this means back-to-school, end of summer holidays and crazy routines as we get adjusted to new schedules. It may mean putting yourself on the back burner but remember, pushing the pause button and taking care of yourself is just as important as helping others! Here are a few ways to inject Ahh...into the AHHH! of your daily life (too corny?) 1. Sheet Mask it up When I first got into Korean skincare, I would go through sheet masks like q-tips...I thought it was an essential part of getting slowly, hydrated skin. And don't get me wrong, it feels fantastic but I soon learned it was not necessary for my skin. However, it does feel amazing, especially when paired with a jade roller. I am not sure if the jade roller does anything but it feels good as it smoothes out any bumps on the sheet mask and massages my face gently. So, if you are answering emails or making last minute calendar updates, pop one on (bonus points if you chill it in the fridge for a...

Happy New Year!

 If you are anything like me...then 2022 seems like a crazy, far-off number that seems way further away than it actually is. That could probably be due to the fact that 2020 and 2021 didn't actually feel like a real year...whole thing was just a flaming dumpster fire. So while I have no expectations when it comes to how 2022 be, I do have some lessons learned when it comes in the self-care department. Here are some things that I have reflected and learned as we bid adieu to 2021. Anti-aging? Nah, aging gracefully This was the first year I got my first grey hair and started seeing wrinkles that stuck around even after I was done smiling. It was followed by aches and creaks in parts where I normally had no issues. So, yup...seems like time was catching up to me. But I was also the best I have ever felt, inside and out. Your 30s are a time when you feel like nothing rattles you. Old insecurities fall aside and I am proud of the person I have become. So aging was definitely not the ene...

Dermatosis papulosa nigra: Those Weird Freckles...

 If you are a POC who is reaching a certain age, then maybe you've seen them creeping up. The little 3-D freckles that pop up and seem to get darker and more noticeable with time? You've definitely seen them on celebs such as Morgan Freeman. My grandmother had them, the guy who ran the Indian grocery store had them...everyone who was brown and over 50 had them. These are benign papules that develop on the face or neck, sometimes as early as adolescence. Sometimes its sun exposure, sometimes its genetics but they are generally harmless. However, in case anyone is kooky enough to take medical advice from a blog, please always see a dermatologist for any weird or new skin growths! Yeah, yeah they are normal...but I don't want them! There are a few ways to prevent and treat DPN if you decide they are bothering you. You can use glycolic acid to prevent new ones from forming and the ones you have from getting more noticeable. Larger ones will need a doctor to remove them in a way...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me: Self-Care when you are Sick

 This has been the year of health for me. No, not being the healthiest but actually trying to figure out what causes the discomfort and aches I experience. It has meant a few surgeries, way more tests than I'd like and a lot of doctor's appointments. However, knowing that I have a self-care routine that I can adapt to fit my needs and time has been a great comfort, even when I feel bleh. So, here are some ways you can incorporate taking care of yourself even when its the last thing you want to do. 1. Listen to your body For all those people who have lovely periods that they don't dread, please don't feel offended when I say I hate you. Nothing personal, but since mine started, I have never known anything but gut-wrenching, nauseating pain that makes me want to crawl inside a heating pad and stab someone at the same time. I would like to take this moment to apologize for anything I may have said during those times. I swear, its not me...its my insane uterus. But regardle...

Ingrown Hairs - What you can do to Prevent them

 So as summer winds down for us in the Northern Hemisphere, our Southern Hemisphere friends are getting ready for warmer temperatures and bare limbs. Depending on your personal choice, you may opt to shave/wax/expilate your limbs. This can lead to ingrown hairs, especially those who epilate. But no need to fear, there are plenty of ways you can go about addressing these annoyances. Step 1: Exfoliate If you can reduce the loose, dead skin on the surface you can help prevent ingrown hairs. Dry brushing or brushing your skin before removing the hair with a stiff exfoliating brush (I like this one) helps prepare your skin. Skin on our body is much thicker and stronger than skin on our neck or face and can withstand much more exfoliating. I also like exfoliating in the shower. Wet skin makes it easier to permeate deeper and remove more than the surface skin layer. A good body scrub combined with an exfoliating towel (I use Frank's Body Scrub and Salux cloth) can work wonders at leaving...

Whoops! Skincare mistakes I've made

 Similar to my Skincare sins I will never repeat, my journey has had me overdoing or messing up my skin in more ways than one. Luckily, I was able to fix these fairly easily as well. So pull up a chair and learn from my mistakes! - Overexfoliating my skin So, if AHAs are good...and BHAs are good...and retinol are good...then all three must be good! Nope, I damaged my skin barrier so much that my skin had a weird plastic-y sheen and felt so tight. After some research I realized I had stripped all the moisture our and had damaged my skin barrier. I had to use the seven layer method and lay off actives for a while before my skin stopped looking like Saran Wrap - Actives every day...and night I had blackheads on my nose and was so excited when I saw results from the CosRx BHA lotion. I started applying it twice a day and had my skin flaking off. Even with sunscreen, it wasn't enough to help protect my skin and I was shocked that I could pull dead skin off my nose. Again, slow and gentl...

Decoding the Ordinary...

 Even if you are brand new to skincare, you have most likely heard of The Ordinary.  One of the first skincare companies to approach skincare from a scientific approach and less marketing-oriented, The Ordinary believed in empowering customers to gain knowledge around skincare ingredients and routines but they also priced their products incredibly low. There are other subsidiaries with different formulation and higher price points but the Ordinary quickly gained traction with simply, transparent ingredients, clinical packaging and helpful routines. It was my first foray into cherry-picking products to customize my own routine. Below are the items that worked...and what didn't: The Good Argireline Solution This was huge at erasing wrinkles around my eyes and eyebrows. It could have also been an issue with hydration but I noticed when I stopped using this, my wrinkles were deeper and more noticeable. I will continue to use this as a spot treatment, especially for my tech neck! R...

Acne Emergency!

 Does it seem like whenever you have a big event or project where you'd like to put your best face forward...your skin somehow decides to go rogue and bam! A giant pimple hits you out of no where? Unfortunately, the cortisol we produce when we are stressed can increase sebum production which can acne. So while relaxing spa treatments are not an everyday option, we can certainly take some steps to help minimize any unwelcome visitors. - Do not pick I hate this advice because as a WOC, my skin always left hyperpigmentation marks, regardless of whether or not I picked at it. I did notice that they healed faster and there was less collagen damage if I didn't pick at it. So if possible, hands off! No matter how tempting. - Ok, but you want to pick at it, don't you? Ah...I see you ignored the last advice. If, and only if, your pimple has come to a head and is soo close to oozing that you just can't help yourself...we can get through this together. First of all, wash your hand...

Simply Accessible: A PM Routine

 Ah yes...after a long, busy day, we are all ready to crash into our cozy beds and get a good night's sleep. But, not until you have completed your 12 step routine, facial yoga and taking a cryogenic nap in the anti-aging chamber! Ok, I kid but in all seriousness, one of the worst things you can do to your skin is sleeping with makeup. Your skin repairs itself at night and makeup is not something that contains goodies to be absorbed overnight. So, no matter how tired or drunk you are, clean your face before going to sleep every night! Here are some basic steps to include... Level 1: Augh! I can't...just get me to bed ASAP Ideally, you don't have makeup on and it will super quick to get your face clean but the reality is that you may have a full face of glam by the time you are ready to turn in for the night. If this is the case, at a minimum...keep makeup wipes so you can swipe your face before crashing to bed. If you are upright long enough to add a few more steps, conside...

NuFace review: Microcurrent Device

One of the ways I approach skincare and try to make it more budget-friendly is by finding effective ways to recreate pricey procedures at home. While I know I cannot replicate the high-strength procedures or training of skincare professionals, slow and steady certainly has its benefits in the march against time. Microcurrent technology has been around since the 1980s and essentially uses low-voltage electric currents to help stimulate collage production, ATP development, giving a more lifted and defined look. As we age, most people are either sinkers or saggers...looking at my family, I am a sagger which means microcurrent facials may be use the thing to add to my routine. The Nuface device is one of the first FDA approved device that is available to consumers. Please know, this means that it is safe to use but it does not mean it will guarantee results. It comes with a conductive gel which helps ensure that you do not feel the currents as it zaps your skin. If you can feel it, you eit...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? A guide to showering

 Admittedly, I was a bit embarrassed typing out the title..."a guide to showering"? I mean, how complicated can it be?? Truthfully, it is not complicated but if you are like me, your showers are your escape for the day, that is until your kid is pounding on the door, insisting that she needs your help with a task that only you and no one else can accomplish. So sometimes, you are luxuriating in it and other times, you are trying to get in and out as quick as possible. Either way, you want your routine and products working just as hard as you do! 1. PRE-SHAMPOO Please take note of the all-caps I used for this sub-heading, yes, it is that important. Now, my natural and curly haired sisters may find they need a different routine but pretty much everyone from 1 - 2b...maybe even 2c, should be using a pre-shampoo. I go into more details with my hair routine here but do not get in the shower without either a pre-shampoo or a shower cap if it not a wash day. 2. Set the Mood Ok, thi...

Skincare Sins: What I will never use...

 So, this post may be a bit polarizing...I want to share things that I will never use on my skin but with the caveat that this may work well for other people! So, as with all other aspects of self-care, do your research and make sure it is right for you! There is no one-size-fits-all but hopefully my experience will help you on your journey as well. 1. Pore Strips God, I loved these...the little forest of gross sebum that would be pulled out, the rush of seeing your nose without the connect-the-dots happening on them. I swear, my nose looked smaller because there were less things to look at after I did a pore strip on my nose. Turns out, pore strips weren't pulling out gunk and pus...but sebum, literally the moisturizing oil that we produce to keep our skin in check. No doubt I also got blackheads but they always came back no matter how many I pulled out. Since blackheads are just oxidized sebum plugs and since pores don't actually open and close (did anyone else think of high ...

Body Glow! How to make your skin look radiant

 Ah yes, summertime...the season for skirts, shorts and sundresses. It also means that we may need a bit more attention to these exposed parts than we had given during previous seasons so I have here some tips and tricks to help keep your skin hydrated and radiant! I also would be grinning this big if my skin was so radiant! 1. Drink Water Ok, yes...this seems like a no-brainer but my goal is to make self-care accessible and if you don't already know, you know now...drinking water is key to self-care, inside and out. Whether its sparkling water, infused water, water in fun bottles, use whatever you need to help you stay hydrated, just avoid sugar which would defeat the purpose. 2. Exfoliate I usually am a fan of chemical exfoliants but when it comes to body care, I like physical exfoliants. It just seems more efficient with all the ground you have to cover as compared to your face. Dry brushing gives me crazy dolphin skin but learning about macular amyloidosis  (a grey, patchy...

Your Guide to Smelling Good

If you walk away from this blog only have read this post, then just know that your neighbors will thank you. Smelling good not only makes us feel good but can be pleasant or even down-right alluring to those around you. And before you think all it takes is a shower and deodorant, just know that we are about to level up your aromatic game. The Basics Because this is a blog about making self-care accessible, we will start at the beginning. Shower regularly. Even if you feel depressed, tired sick...a warm shower can work wonders. Even if it is the only thing you manage to do...pull yourself out of the bed long enough to get under that shower.  If this tweet is to be believed...the Vikings and all their showered glory were too sexy for European women so the power of a shower cannot be denied! Great! You are freshly showered! Now what? Use deodorant. If you are using anti-perspirant (the difference being that antiperspirant  actually block your ability to sweat)...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? A Guide to Cute Feet

Sun's out, toes out! When the weather gets warmer, we get cuter options for footwear with sandals and flip-flops leading the way. But if your heels are callused and your toes have seen better days, you may find that you are less excited about the prospect of open-toed footwear. Never fear, your girl is here with a guide to keeping your toes as cute as possible at home! 1. Don't go barefoot First of all...if you wear shoes in your home...stop doing that, its just gross. But if you go barefoot at home, wear socks or slippers! Barefoot, even at home, can cause calluses and damage to your feet. 2. Exfoliate! Whaaa...even your feet?? Yes! I personally love the Babyfoot Peel for a bi-annual, at-home pedicure. This magical yet gross process starts with your pre-soaked feet in plastic booties and ends a few days later with sheets (that's right...I said sheets) of dead skin peeling off your feet. It gives you the same, enthralled feeling of disgust you get when you look at a pore st...

Hair Loss, the Good...the Bad...the Ugly

 Ah...a flowing, luxurious mane...our hair is one of the few things that we can change on a whim with just a few snips of a scissor or stroke of a bleach-coated brush. However, hair loss can be a difficult and somber part of aging. Recently I celebrated my 35th birthday and I noticed that I was forever cleaning up errant hairs after a shower or brushing my hair. With long hair, this was not new but I noticed that I would have side part that ran deeper than I liked or that my updos were sitting flatter than usual. The last straw was when I tried the middle part to see what all the hype was only to be shocked at the lack of volume. I tried volumizing spray with a little success but I knew I had to get to the root of the problem...pun totally intended. So here are some things that I tried and what I liked and did not like: This is about 6 months apart with red light therapy, hair serum, peppermint oil and biotin. Now that I know this combination works, I will remove one prod...

Let it Grow...let it grow! Eyelash serums

Lash lifts, eyelash extensions, false eyelashes, lash primer, tubing mascaras...the list goes on and on for all the products that have been created to give that long, fluttery lash look. And the reason is quite easy to see, long eyelashes instantly open up your eyes, give a demure but sweet or sultry look and, done right, can be the easiest part of your routine. During the COVID quarantine, I played around with DIY lash extensions ( DIY micro needling , can be damaging if not done right) but found that I would rub them off or end up damaging my own natural lashes. I still love the look of long eyelashes, especially since face masks left only my eyes uncovered as a part of my makeup routine. I had seen success with an eyelash serum that I got off Amazon but was interested in a verified product along the lines of Latisse...but without the Rx. That is when I came across Babelash, a product that seemed to leave everyone that used it with lashes that seemed absurdly long. It was...

Sustainable Self-Care

Regardless of your political beliefs, we all can make small changes that can help make our routine just a bit more sustainable and eco-friendly. The added benefit of it being more cost-effective just makes it that much better! So, here are some easy swaps you can make to make your routine a bit greener. Makeup towel instead of makeup wipes While makeup wipes are super convenient when traveling or at the gym, makeup towels can quickly add up and end up in landfills. A microfiber towel (I use the MakeUp Eraser) is an easy way to get even the most stubborn and waterproof makeup off your face and have your cleanser work on cleaning your skin, instead of trying to get makeup off. Cotton rounds instead of cotton pads If you have toner or eye makeup remover in your routine, you may go through a fair amount of cotton balls. A reusable cotton rounds is an easy way to still get these steps in your routine but without the damage that comes from growing, bleaching and throwing away cotton balls. C...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me: Dental Routine

Growing up in India there were some cultural norms that were very different from the West, specifically when it came to dental hygiene. I remember seeing my grandfather chew on twigs from the neem tree to help prevent decay. Of course we had toothbrushes and toothpaste, but this was what he had grown up with. We only brushed our teeth once a day and it was the first thing you did when you woke up.  Moving to the States, our routine evolved to include brushing 2x day, flossing etc. However, as an adult, I am now realizing that there is a preferred order to things when it comes to dental hygiene. MYTH #1: Rinse after brushing Wait, what, no...ew. That was my first reaction when I found out that it is not necessary to rinse after you brush your teeth. Yes, of course, you spit out the lather but if you rinse out the toothpaste, you decrease the protection it gives. Leaving it intact gives just a bit more protection than if you rinsed it out.  Plus, if you can, flossing after brush...

What is Double Cleansing?

If you've heard the term "double cleansing" and have an idea but not quite sure what it means, not to fear! I am here to help explain what double cleaning is and how you can add it to your routine. Double cleansing is the practice popularized by Asian beauty where you wash your face twice. Easy enough, right? Well, the cleansing is a bit different each time. First cleanse This is great at removing make-up, sunscreen and more stubborn layers of dirt, pollution or other residual evidence of the day. This is done using an oil-based cleanser which might be in a liquid oil form or in a balm-to-oil form. The whole point is that if you can get this layer off then our second cleanse can focus on a gentle cleansing which doesn't strip your skin.  Personally, I love oil cleansers which are gentle enough to work into my eye area because I like waterproof mascaras and long-lasting brow products. I also look for products which don't drip too fast so it doesn't feel as gooe...