Dermatosis papulosa nigra: Those Weird Freckles...

 If you are a POC who is reaching a certain age, then maybe you've seen them creeping up. The little 3-D freckles that pop up and seem to get darker and more noticeable with time? You've definitely seen them on celebs such as Morgan Freeman.

My grandmother had them, the guy who ran the Indian grocery store had them...everyone who was brown and over 50 had them. These are benign papules that develop on the face or neck, sometimes as early as adolescence. Sometimes its sun exposure, sometimes its genetics but they are generally harmless. However, in case anyone is kooky enough to take medical advice from a blog, please always see a dermatologist for any weird or new skin growths!

Yeah, yeah they are normal...but I don't want them!

There are a few ways to prevent and treat DPN if you decide they are bothering you. You can use glycolic acid to prevent new ones from forming and the ones you have from getting more noticeable. Larger ones will need a doctor to remove them in a way that helps minimize scarring. Lasers can also help but some lasers can worsen hyperpigmentation in POC.

WARNING...the following paragraph talks about an at-home treatment. Just like the micro needling post, you must do your own research and you understand that taking on risks like this can lead to infection, scarring or death!! Ok, maybe not death but it is way better and smarter to get this done by a professional!

Alright, I am hoping you are smart enough to know not to do this without educating yourself or are just reading on for shits and giggles. Yes, I have removed my DPN at home and I did it the following way.

I noticed my DPN when the small freckles I had appeared more raised and three-dimensional than before. I was worried they were moles but they seemed very light colored and didn't seem to change...just more of them kept popping up. I went to my dermatologist to do a mole check and she didn't even seem worried so I knew they weren't cancerous. That's when I looked up DPN and found electrocautery. This is basically when you cauterize the skin and activate the body's healing systems. When you use it on say, a freckle, it creates a scab which heals and gets replaced by unblemished skin. When you use it on DPN, the same thing happens.

So, I began my research. What is DPN? What are the risks of removing it? How can you remove it? I wasn't about to freeze or cut it off (if anyone tries that, please write a blog post so I can live vicariously through you because I lack the courage to pull that off!). Electrocautery seemed quick, controlled and relatively painless. I bought lidocaine just in case but decided to start small, with a mole on my leg that I've had since forever. 

Charged and ready to go, I set my pen (which I bought off Amazon) to 2. It goes higher but that is more dangerous and means you have a higher risk of pain and scarring. I applied lidocaine but only as a precaution because I wanted to make sure I could still feel and adjust as needed. The weirdest part of the burning smell but it felt like a rubber band snap and I saw the sparks come out but it did exactly what it was supposed to...a little scab formed where my mole was. I waited till the scab fell off and guess what...the mole was still there! It was definitely smaller though which was just the right comfort level I needed to start trying it out on smaller moles. When those healed with no problem, I felt comfortable enough to try them on the DPNs. By this time, I knew I could handle it without lidocaine and that I would not have any scarring. Just like the micro needling, I went slow and steady...usually doing a round every month. Smaller moles disappeared with one round and larger ones took several months. It was amazing to see the results with the DPN. I went from little papules all over my cheeks and neck to smooth, flawless skin.

Just like any skin treatment, I wash my hands and face, use new needles every time, wear gloves, wait 30 days between treatments and go slow! I may not have the money to get these treatments done professionally but I can be patient and pace myself to get results over time!


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