
Showing posts with the label why didn't anyone tell me

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me: Self-Care when you are Sick

 This has been the year of health for me. No, not being the healthiest but actually trying to figure out what causes the discomfort and aches I experience. It has meant a few surgeries, way more tests than I'd like and a lot of doctor's appointments. However, knowing that I have a self-care routine that I can adapt to fit my needs and time has been a great comfort, even when I feel bleh. So, here are some ways you can incorporate taking care of yourself even when its the last thing you want to do. 1. Listen to your body For all those people who have lovely periods that they don't dread, please don't feel offended when I say I hate you. Nothing personal, but since mine started, I have never known anything but gut-wrenching, nauseating pain that makes me want to crawl inside a heating pad and stab someone at the same time. I would like to take this moment to apologize for anything I may have said during those times. I swear, its not me...its my insane uterus. But regardle...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? A guide to showering

 Admittedly, I was a bit embarrassed typing out the title..."a guide to showering"? I mean, how complicated can it be?? Truthfully, it is not complicated but if you are like me, your showers are your escape for the day, that is until your kid is pounding on the door, insisting that she needs your help with a task that only you and no one else can accomplish. So sometimes, you are luxuriating in it and other times, you are trying to get in and out as quick as possible. Either way, you want your routine and products working just as hard as you do! 1. PRE-SHAMPOO Please take note of the all-caps I used for this sub-heading, yes, it is that important. Now, my natural and curly haired sisters may find they need a different routine but pretty much everyone from 1 - 2b...maybe even 2c, should be using a pre-shampoo. I go into more details with my hair routine here but do not get in the shower without either a pre-shampoo or a shower cap if it not a wash day. 2. Set the Mood Ok, thi...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? A Guide to Cute Feet

Sun's out, toes out! When the weather gets warmer, we get cuter options for footwear with sandals and flip-flops leading the way. But if your heels are callused and your toes have seen better days, you may find that you are less excited about the prospect of open-toed footwear. Never fear, your girl is here with a guide to keeping your toes as cute as possible at home! 1. Don't go barefoot First of all...if you wear shoes in your home...stop doing that, its just gross. But if you go barefoot at home, wear socks or slippers! Barefoot, even at home, can cause calluses and damage to your feet. 2. Exfoliate! Whaaa...even your feet?? Yes! I personally love the Babyfoot Peel for a bi-annual, at-home pedicure. This magical yet gross process starts with your pre-soaked feet in plastic booties and ends a few days later with sheets (that's right...I said sheets) of dead skin peeling off your feet. It gives you the same, enthralled feeling of disgust you get when you look at a pore st...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me: Dental Routine

Growing up in India there were some cultural norms that were very different from the West, specifically when it came to dental hygiene. I remember seeing my grandfather chew on twigs from the neem tree to help prevent decay. Of course we had toothbrushes and toothpaste, but this was what he had grown up with. We only brushed our teeth once a day and it was the first thing you did when you woke up.  Moving to the States, our routine evolved to include brushing 2x day, flossing etc. However, as an adult, I am now realizing that there is a preferred order to things when it comes to dental hygiene. MYTH #1: Rinse after brushing Wait, what, no...ew. That was my first reaction when I found out that it is not necessary to rinse after you brush your teeth. Yes, of course, you spit out the lather but if you rinse out the toothpaste, you decrease the protection it gives. Leaving it intact gives just a bit more protection than if you rinsed it out.  Plus, if you can, flossing after brush...

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me: Shower Hair Routine

 So, one of the perks of quarantine has been researching and just learning from others...usually through online forums. This has lead me down a rabbit hole of things that seem very obvious and commonplace to others but apparently no one knew or shared with me as I was growing up. Hence, the first in what I hope will be a series.."why didn't anyone tell me?" As a child of the 90s, Bath-and-Body Works and Herbal Essence were a staple of my shower routines but beyond that, everything else was learned through the pages of glossy teen publications and hearsay from friends. I remember being surprised that my friend brushed her hair in the shower and thinking..."wait, is this something everyone should be doing??" Now, I've come up with some things I found new and surprisingly but has made a big improvement in my shower routine. Pre-shampoo My curly girls sisters may already know about this but apparently your shower strips moisture and natural oils from your hair s...