Happy New Year!

 If you are anything like me...then 2022 seems like a crazy, far-off number that seems way further away than it actually is. That could probably be due to the fact that 2020 and 2021 didn't actually feel like a real year...whole thing was just a flaming dumpster fire. So while I have no expectations when it comes to how 2022 be, I do have some lessons learned when it comes in the self-care department. Here are some things that I have reflected and learned as we bid adieu to 2021.

Anti-aging? Nah, aging gracefully

This was the first year I got my first grey hair and started seeing wrinkles that stuck around even after I was done smiling. It was followed by aches and creaks in parts where I normally had no issues. So, yup...seems like time was catching up to me. But I was also the best I have ever felt, inside and out. Your 30s are a time when you feel like nothing rattles you. Old insecurities fall aside and I am proud of the person I have become. So aging was definitely not the enemy. But as I mentioned, I want to match how I look with how I feel. Frown lines that make me look angry or wrinkles that make me look tired were at a disconnect with this my strong and confident self. 
So began my journey into botox and lasers. Things that focused on restoring but not altering. Cosmetic procedures are each person's individual decision and for me, it's all about looking like the best version of me. So, embrace getting old because there is so much more value and wisdom in our age.

SLEEP, overworking yourself is overrated

This may be a part of the burgeoning anti-work movement or just realizing that I only have one life to live, but the toxic culture of working into the late hours or sacrificing sleep is just not worth it. A job is a job...a means to an end. However, no paycheck is worth the scarcest of all resources...time. And taking care of yourself is so important...with sleep being the most important. I realized that I actually need 8.5-9 hours of sleep. This is a certainly a privilege but from a biological and health perspective, sleep is just as important as diet and exercise.

Stress is real

These past years have shown that mental health awareness needs to be discussed more and not downplayed. Taking time for yourself is not selfish, it is a very real and important step in self-care. I started meditating which is surprisingly hard for an activity that requires such little action. Emotional regulation and a healthy perspective is essential in allowing us to navigate not only personal trauma but global crises that seem to only be escalating. We've all felt helpless as challenges that face us seem insurmountable but the simple act of mindfulness makes such a difference in helping move forward.

So, dear reader...I hope I have been able to demystify the process of self-care just a bit for you and regardless of where you are in your personal journey...I wish you peace and prosperity for 2022!


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