Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? A guide to showering

 Admittedly, I was a bit embarrassed typing out the title..."a guide to showering"? I mean, how complicated can it be?? Truthfully, it is not complicated but if you are like me, your showers are your escape for the day, that is until your kid is pounding on the door, insisting that she needs your help with a task that only you and no one else can accomplish. So sometimes, you are luxuriating in it and other times, you are trying to get in and out as quick as possible. Either way, you want your routine and products working just as hard as you do!


Please take note of the all-caps I used for this sub-heading, yes, it is that important. Now, my natural and curly haired sisters may find they need a different routine but pretty much everyone from 1 - 2b...maybe even 2c, should be using a pre-shampoo. I go into more details with my hair routine here but do not get in the shower without either a pre-shampoo or a shower cap if it not a wash day.

2. Set the Mood

Ok, this one is completely optional but if you are a shower soprano, you gotta get that playlist lined up. Or maybe you haven't been to a spa in a year because of a certain pandemic so you spray a little eucalyptus spray to make it smell nice and relaxing. Either way, if you have the time...it can really bump up your shower game.

3. Get your post-shower items ready

If you have hair that falls past your ears and you are not using a microfiber towel or cotton shirt to dry it, please stop reading and go find one. Cotton terry towels will damage your hair and my past self cries every time I remember vigorously rubbing my hair dry, this is so bad for your hair! Instead, I use the Aquis hair towel to squeeze out excess water from my hair and keep it from dripping until I am ready to blow dry.

Also, I don't keep my post-shower body oil in the shower so I will make sure to take that out as well. I may also bring out body lotion in case I want to apply that while I am still standing in the shower...just depending on how cold it is and how long I want to stay in the warm enclave of my shower. I also keep slippers and a robe handy because I really do not like being cold after getting out of the shower.

4. Ditch the loofah

I blame all those commercials for body wash where they pour out 25% of the contents of a shower gel into  a loofah and you see this luxurious foam that comes forth from the loofah.

Yeah, Herbal Essences...I am looking at you...loofahs are germ-factories, no thank you!

Loofahs are supposed to be disinfected and replaced but I definitely did not do either on any sort of regular schedule. Instead, when I discovered the Salux cloth, I knew there was no turning back. Not only could I never reach my back with a loofah but the Salux drip dries almost instantly and it exfoliates while delivering a nice lather. Even my husband who scratches his head at all my self-care had to get his own version when I extolled its virtues. 

5. Get a shampoo brush

I originally got one for my little one to help make sure she gets all her hair clean and rinsed when taking a shower but eventually got one for myself. Unlike brushing your hair in the shower, a shampoo brush works on the scalp and helps stimulate blood flow, increases hair growth, breaks up oily roots and helps remove buildup. It also feels good, like when you get a little massage during the shampoo at a hair salon.

These are simple steps that you can add to your shower routine to really help maximize your time. If any one these have helped or if you have tips of your own, leave them in the comments below!


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