Acne Emergency!

 Does it seem like whenever you have a big event or project where you'd like to put your best face forward...your skin somehow decides to go rogue and bam! A giant pimple hits you out of no where? Unfortunately, the cortisol we produce when we are stressed can increase sebum production which can acne. So while relaxing spa treatments are not an everyday option, we can certainly take some steps to help minimize any unwelcome visitors.

- Do not pick

I hate this advice because as a WOC, my skin always left hyperpigmentation marks, regardless of whether or not I picked at it. I did notice that they healed faster and there was less collagen damage if I didn't pick at it. So if possible, hands off! No matter how tempting.

- Ok, but you want to pick at it, don't you?

Ah...I see you ignored the last advice. If, and only if, your pimple has come to a head and is soo close to oozing that you just can't help yourself...we can get through this together. First of all, wash your hands and do not attempt to go at it with unclean tools. A warm compress or steam can help loosen sebum and make it easier to extract. 

Next, if you are able to, use two q-tips warmed in hot water to squeeze the head of the pimple. Do not use your nails as it can drive the bacteria deeper into your skin and cause the pimple to return. If you find that you are not able extract it fully, leave it alone. It is better to let your body heal than to further aggravate your skin.

- AAH! My pimple has not come to a head yet!

This is not a bad thing and before you call me a liar, allow me to introduce you to...hydrocolloid bandages! These bad boys use medical-grade materials to draw out pus and infectious materials. It was originally used in war time to help expedite wound healing. They don't work best for the deep pimples but honestly...the only thing that works for those suckers is time.
However, put one of these on overnight and you can see the pus they pull out when you wake up in the morning. In fact, they have even thin ones that you can wear in the daytime and are nearly invisible. I love these because I have a tendency to pick at pimples, especially if they are deep or painful. At least this way, if I touch it, the bandage protects the skin.

- Gimme some heavy-hitting medication!

There are several ingredients that you can use to help heal a pimple:

- Salicylic acid: A BHA, this helps dissolve dead skin cells and sebum to help bring oxygen and heal pimples. It does take several weeks to work so this works better as a maintenance ingredient

- Benzyl peroxide: Driest out the skin and reduces the environment needed for the P.acnes bacteria to survive. A higher strength doesn't necessarily mean a better product as it can be too drying. I have found best results with 10% strength.

- Sulfur: Works similarly to the other ingredients, this natural ingredient tends to be gentler on the skin.

- Tretinoin: A derivative of Vitamin A, this powerhouse ingredient is prescribed for treating acne since it helps with cellular turnover. It can cause a purging period so it is best used under the direction of a medical professional.

In general, it is not advisable to use more than one active ingredient at a time since it can damage your skin barrier and makes it a lot harder to determine which ingredient is actually working and what doesn't work for you.

Unfortunately, the cause of acne is just as personal as each individual so these are more short-term fixes if your acne is environmental, dietary or hormonal.


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