Acne Emergency!
Does it seem like whenever you have a big event or project where you'd like to put your best face forward...your skin somehow decides to go rogue and bam! A giant pimple hits you out of no where? Unfortunately, the cortisol we produce when we are stressed can increase sebum production which can acne. So while relaxing spa treatments are not an everyday option, we can certainly take some steps to help minimize any unwelcome visitors. - Do not pick I hate this advice because as a WOC, my skin always left hyperpigmentation marks, regardless of whether or not I picked at it. I did notice that they healed faster and there was less collagen damage if I didn't pick at it. So if possible, hands off! No matter how tempting. - Ok, but you want to pick at it, don't you? Ah...I see you ignored the last advice. If, and only if, your pimple has come to a head and is soo close to oozing that you just can't help yourself...we can get through this together. First of all, wash your hand...