Dermatosis papulosa nigra: Those Weird Freckles...
If you are a POC who is reaching a certain age, then maybe you've seen them creeping up. The little 3-D freckles that pop up and seem to get darker and more noticeable with time? You've definitely seen them on celebs such as Morgan Freeman. My grandmother had them, the guy who ran the Indian grocery store had them...everyone who was brown and over 50 had them. These are benign papules that develop on the face or neck, sometimes as early as adolescence. Sometimes its sun exposure, sometimes its genetics but they are generally harmless. However, in case anyone is kooky enough to take medical advice from a blog, please always see a dermatologist for any weird or new skin growths! Yeah, yeah they are normal...but I don't want them! There are a few ways to prevent and treat DPN if you decide they are bothering you. You can use glycolic acid to prevent new ones from forming and the ones you have from getting more noticeable. Larger ones will need a doctor to remove them in a way...