Deep Hydration: Body Version

 I was recently asked about how I keep dry winter skin at bay and I didn't realize just how intensive my routine truly was! My philosophy is that I am lazy, plain and simple. Whatever I can do in one step to prevent future action is in my best interest. Of course, just like any other posts, feel free to cherry-pick and add or adapt steps that fit your lifestyle.

Moisturize mee...moisturize me...

1. Use hydrating products in the shower

This is a work-in-progress but currently these steps allow me to keep my skin pretty hydrated even though I enjoy taking the hottest shower imaginable.

- LUSH Honey I Washed the Kids
This body wash not only smells like delicious candy but it lathers up without drying my skin out. I've tried other body washes and even oil-based body washes, but consistency come back to this since everything else seems to dry my skin out.

- Franks' Body Scrub

I love a good scrub, especially since I use an epilator which can cause ingrown hairs. But I am pretty particular, the scrub has to smell good, feel good and be effective. Frank's Body scrub is a dry scrub so it doesn't have water but when it rubs into your skin, it leaves a wonderful, oil-based finish. Ok, I really that I sound like furniture but there is definitely an hydrated feeling that oil. It is a bit messy since it is a dry scrub and needs to be washed out of the shower. 

- In-Shower Lotion

I haven't found a ride-or-die shower lotion mostly because they all seem to get the job done just as well as their competitors. I started with Nivea, moved on to Jergens and currently using Olay's Retinol shower lotion. I don't love the smell of Olay (personally Jergens is the best smell) but retinol is a great ingredient and since most of my showers are at night, I might as well get its benefits on my body too!

- Body Oil

As soon as I towel off and while I am still standing in the shower, I spray my body down with a light body oil. I used to use JR Watkins Body Oil mist but it was harder to find so I switched to Neutrogena Body Oil, which is a much cheaper alternative, even if the smell isn't as delicious as the JR Watkins. I have to stand in the shower because the oil can get on the floor and spraying it before I do anything else helps my hands stay clean for my facial serums and lotions but keeps my body from drying out and losing moisture. 

- Body Lotion

This is also a work-in-progress as to my favorite. I talk about it in more detail in my body glow post but I am currently cycling between Nivea 72 hour lotion and Bum Bum cream. Lotion is a must because not only does it allow the body oil sink it but it also keeps my skin hydrated long enough for the next shower. If I skip this step, I notice that I will have dry skin and even lotion at that point will be too late.

2. Run a humidifier

I have to admit, I am not good about this step and so usually don't run it until every third day...approximately the time it takes for me to notice that my face is feeling a bit tight after I wake up. A nice smelling essential oil makes a big difference and helps your home feel all fancy and nice. My favorite is White Tea, feels like a spa!

3.  Drink Water

Yes, I know...I know..we've all heard the importance of drinking water but it's real! Our bodies are at least 60% water and if we don't get enough from food and drinking coffee/soda/juice. I've found a straw tumbler that is always full is the easiest way for me to stay hydrated. Just rest it in my lap while I am scrolling on my phone or watching tv. Actually...I should go get it right now.

4. Slugging

This is a serious intervention, similar to my seven skin method of repairing over-exfoliated skin. You essentially use a serious moisturizer like Vaseline or Aquaphor, wear sacrificial pajamas and let that hydration soak in. This is more of an immediate fix since we know the best way to address hydration long-term is through deep layers of moisture over time so use as needed!


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