Over-exfoliated: Repairing a Damaged Skin Barrier

 Oh, you've done it now...you got super excited about your new skincare haul and went a little overboard with all your products and now your skin looks...weird. How do you know if you have damaged your skin barrier? And if you have, what do you do next?

Signs you've Over-Exfoliated:

- super shiny skin...like Saran Wrap

- feels tight or dry

- skin cracks when you make facial features or open your mouth

If you are seeing any of these signs, then it is highly likely that you have damaged your skin barrier. Your skin needs to by hydrated in all its seven layers, otherwise you run the risk of drying it out and creating micro tears and allowing fine lines, wrinkles and even bacteria.

Steps to Repair Your Skin Barrier:

1. Stop any actives!

I remember when I found BHAs...they were fantastic at making the blackheads on my nose disappear. If a little bit works then obviously a lot must work even better, right? WRONG! I was pulling sheets of skin off my nose because I had damaged the barrier and dried it out. Same thing goes for any AHAs or retinols. Anything with the word "acid" can be too strong when your skin is compromised.

2. Simply...simplify...simplify

Pare down your routine. Yes, all those fun and fabulous products will have to take a trip to the back of the closet until your skin is back to normal. You should only be using a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer (SPF in the morning is a given!). This will allow your skin to focus on repairing itself instead of adjusting and adapting to the ingredients in new and different products.

3. Hyyyddraaateee

Your skin is thirsty and drinking water isn't going to cut it. You need deep levels of hydration. I love the seven skin method when my skin is drier than the Sahara.

Seven Skin Method

In Korea, "skin" refers to layers so the seven skin method uses seven layers of hydration. You use essence,  a watery skin product that focuses on hydration, and pat it into your skin seven times. Yes, seven. Not six...not eight, I mean you could do eight but you are going to be so done by seven. My favorite essence is the Missha Time Revolution the First Treatment Essence (try saying that 5 times fast!). This is a dupe for the much pricier SKII facial treatment and sinks into your skin, leaving it soft and luxurious. The idea is that by patting multiple layers of hydration into your skin, the moisture gets pushed down deep and hydrates all the way through. This is an intensive step that should not typically be part of your routine, just  an in case of emergency!

4. Get Sheet-faced!

Put down the tequila and go back to the bathroom. Sheet masks are a fabulous way to soak up moisture without heavy creams or lotions. They have ingredients that focus on deep penetration and the extended time it remains on your face helps further moisturize. I recommend keeping them on 15 minutes but if you want to get more bang for your buck, consider adding a hydrating serum to your face at the end of the 15 minutes and you could get a little more time of deep soaking. I also like to use my jade roller with my sheet mask. It definitely doesn't do anything but does feel really good!

Repeat and add these steps as needed. Depending on your skin and how damaged your barrier is, you should see results within a few days!


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