Managing Self Care when Busy

Ah yes, September...for many of us this means back-to-school, end of summer holidays and crazy routines as we get adjusted to new schedules. It may mean putting yourself on the back burner but remember, pushing the pause button and taking care of yourself is just as important as helping others! Here are a few ways to inject Ahh...into the AHHH! of your daily life (too corny?) 1. Sheet Mask it up When I first got into Korean skincare, I would go through sheet masks like q-tips...I thought it was an essential part of getting slowly, hydrated skin. And don't get me wrong, it feels fantastic but I soon learned it was not necessary for my skin. However, it does feel amazing, especially when paired with a jade roller. I am not sure if the jade roller does anything but it feels good as it smoothes out any bumps on the sheet mask and massages my face gently. So, if you are answering emails or making last minute calendar updates, pop one on (bonus points if you chill it in the fridge for a...