GentleMax v. Candela Laser

 I recently found a fabulous salon where I was introduced to the Candela laser, an alternative to the GentleMax. It was surprisingly effective, where even after one treatment I was able to see improvement in my pigmentation and scarring. If you are a person of color and are interested in increasing collagen, reducing fine lines and addressing scarring, this could be a great option for you!

I would definitely recommend lidocaine to help numb the skin beforehand. It make the process way more comfortable and helped my aesthetician get to all the areas she needed without me tearing up and needing a break. She was even able to get to my dark circles which, honestly, I just assumed were permament.

Apologies for low-quality! But you can see that my dark pigmentation near my sideburn is longer and my skin is more textured in the left picture whereas the dark spot is a bit lighter and scarring is less noticeable on the right.

I am currently on treatment 3 of 4 in a package so I am hopeful that the final treatment will give very obvious results since I have already seen so much improvement! My goal is to fade my pigmentation entirely and any scarring being improved will be wonderful.


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